在发展一份令人满意的职业的同时,在一个不断发展的行业中创业. You’re not just a business owner.
You’re a JAN-PRO(fessional)™.

Why Franchise with
JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting

As the #1 commercial cleaning franchise, JAN-PRO Cleaning & 消毒拥有一流的品牌声誉和彻底的清洁过程, support systems, 和客户服务标准,可以帮助您保持您的客户满意和您的18luck新利网蓬勃发展. This premier cleaning franchise brand provides the customers, certification, and support you need, 再加上自由和灵活的投资和发展的速度,适合你和你的目标-即使你没有任何18luck新利网或清洁经验.

Interested in an executive opportunity? Click here to learn more about becoming a Regional Developer.


Realize your dream of financial independence. Your earning potential is truly in the palm of your hands. 从少量客户开始,随着团队成员的增加而扩展,以支持更多的客户. 取决于你想赚多少钱,你想赚多快,新利客户端 & Disinfecting will help you grow at your own pace.


On top of earning and growing at your own pace, JAN-PRO Cleaning & 消毒可以让你按照自己的节奏工作,也许还可以让你在自己的地方工作. 这个清洁特许经营品牌提供了灵活性,根据您的个人需求和愿望来设定自己的时间表, and you don’t have to rent office space. The business model is so simple you can work from home. 你不仅可以为自己和家人创造更好的生活, 你也可以自由地与他们分享——如果你愿意,甚至可以与他们合作.


No cleaning or business experience? No problem! With JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting, you’ll be in business for yourself—not by yourself. You’ll benefit from the use of the JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting brand name, comprehensive certification program, uniforms, IDs, 还有初始的启动用品和设备,加上你自己的客户账户. You don’t have to do any selling. You can focus on providing great service while JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting finds all the customers for you.


Ready to start your own Franchise?

如果你想了解可衡量的清洁和有保证的结果是如何让梦想成真的, JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting wants to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to own a JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchise?

JAN-PRO特许经营发展有许多计划,旨在满足您的需求和目标, starting as low as $1,250 and going up to $50,000. At a minimum, you’ll need $1,250美元作为首付款,900美元作为JAN-PRO特许经营开发的入门工具包. JAN-PRO特许经营发展公司还建议,至少要有1000美元的储蓄,以应对紧急情况.*


2. How much revenue can I expect each month?

That’s up to you! At JAN-PRO Franchise Development, 你有自由和灵活性来决定你想投入多少时间和金钱——所以你的月收入取决于你想要拥有的账户的数量和规模.

3. Do I need to have cleaning experience?

Not at all! JAN-PRO特许经营发展有一个广泛的五门课程认证计划,包含在所有特许经营计划中,并将为您提供服务帐户和经营18luck新利网所需的所有技能.

4. Do I need to find my own accounts?

Once again, not at all! JAN-PRO特许经营发展拥有一支专业的销售团队,为您寻找有保障的客户, so no selling is necessary.

5. Do I need to buy equipment?

您需要购买JAN-PRO特许经营发展入门工具包来执行基本的清洁服务. 如果您选择提供额外的服务,则可能需要额外的设备.

6. Can I keep my full-time job?

You sure can! JAN-PRO特许经营发展计划非常灵活,允许您决定在新利客户端上花费多少时间 & Disinfecting business. JAN-PRO特许经营发展有选择,每周只需花三个小时.

7. Do you do background checks?

安全和信任对JAN-PRO特许经营发展至关重要, 所以我们会对任何想购买新利客户端剂的人进行背景调查 & Disinfecting franchise.

8. Do you offer veteran discounts?

JAN-PRO特许经营发展重视其资深员工,并有多个项目为您和您的新利客户端服务 & Disinfecting business.

9. How do I get started?

Complete the form fill below or give us a call to get started. If you’re a good fit for each other, a meeting will be scheduled to discuss all the nitty, gritty details with you. 如果您在此之后仍然感兴趣,JAN-PRO特许经营开发将分享新利客户端 & Disinfecting franchise disclosure document with you. 贵方将有资格在收到该文件并签署披露收据后14天内继续购买特许经营权.

Have Questions? Let us know.

*注意:通过本网页进行的任何通信均不应被解释为出售新利客户端产品的要约 & Disinfecting / JAN-PRO Franchise Development franchises in, nor is any such communication directed to, 任何司法管辖区的居民,在该司法管辖区提供或出售特许经营权前,须登记特许经营权. No JAN-PRO Cleaning & 消毒/ JAN-PRO特许经营开发特许经营权将出售给该等司法管辖区的任何居民,直至该等特许经营权获得豁免, or duly registered in and declared effective by, 该等司法管辖区及任何要求的特许经营披露文件已在出售前按照适用法律交付给潜在加盟商. 如果您对您辖区内特许经营的注册状态有任何疑问, please contact our Franchise Development department.